Friday - 07:42AM
+91-0651- 2902701

Attendance & Regularity

The school seeks the cooperation of the parents to enforce punctuality and regularity. In the benefit of the child’s progress he / she must be regular in school. Students are expected to reach school on time. The school gates are closed at the first bell before the start of assembly. Late comers are allowed to attend classes only after seeking permission from the Principal.

Every child is expected to have minimum 75% attendance every month. Pupils absent even for a day must bring a letter/ diary note from their parents stating the reason for absence. Prior permission through an application to the Principal must be taken for a long leave. Any medical leave must be supported by medical documents from the doctor. Pupils suffering from any contagious disease should come to school only after they have fully recovered supported by a fitness certificate from a doctor.

Minimum quarantine for-

Mumps & Measles 7 to 10 Days
Chicken Pox 14 to 20 Days

It is compulsory for a pupil to attend school on the last day before the Summer, Puja, Diwali & Winter Vacations and also on the first day when the school reopens after the vacations.

There is no provision for half day leave so students should not be sent to school if they are unwell.

Our Expectations from Parents and Students

  • Parents must co-operate with school in enforcing regularity, punctuality and discipline. They should take active interest in their ward's progress and activities in school, through the School Diary as a means of communication between teachers and parents.

  • In case of any change in Contact No. & address, the school must be intimated in written immediately or at the earliest.

  • Terminal-Progress Report Card and Test ex-books should be signed after each test & returned the day after receiving them.

  • No absence will be condoned without a leave-application, nor will late comers be allowed to attend class.

  • The Report Card is an important document and should be kept safely. If the report card is lost, a replacement will be made on the payment of Rs.150/-.

  • Care must be taken of all school property and any damage caused will have to be made good by the student concerned. In addition to it a fine will be imposed for the offence.

  • Irregular Attendance, Negligence of work assignments and any form of misconduct are liable for punishment or dismissal, according to the discretion of the Principal.

  • Both Parents must attend the Parent-Teacher's meet.

  • Students should not carry cash or any valuable article. The school will not be responsible if the same is lost.

  • No Objectionable Books, Periodicals, Pictures or Newspapers, Cassettes or CD's, Mobile Phones, Electronic Gadgets shall be brought into school without permission.

  • Students are expected to be in proper uniform, polished shoes, neatly trimmed hair and clean nails everyday including PTM & field trips.

  • Any student found missing in class after coming to school, will be deal with severely by the school authorities.

  • Any sort of aggressive/ unruly behaviour and rough language with the teacher/ staff/ security will not be tolerated and the school will take necessary disciplinary action. Students should be well behaved and above all must respect all members of the staff, since conduct is the vital part of their development.

  • Students must obey the Head Boy, Head Girl, House Captains, Perfects & other students on duty.

  • The Principal reserves the right to expel any pupil whose behavior is deemed unsatisfactory. In such cases the Principal does not bind himself/herself to giving any reason.

  • All students should converse in English in the school premises to develop their language skills.

  • Any student caught copying in examination or found committing malpractice will be suspended from school.

  • Students are not allowed to go out of the classroom/school without permission and are forbidden to contact outsiders during school hours.

  • It is compulsory for students to be present on the first and the last working days before and after each vacation.

  • No parent will bw allowed to meet a teacher after 12:00 noon (unless emergency). Kindly follow the visiting hours


09:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.
On school working days
On prior appointment through office and on availability
School Office
09:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
Monday to Saturday
Senior Section - 09:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. (Tue. & Thu.)
Junior Section - 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. (Tue. & Thu.)
On prior request and confirmation through Almanac note.
Normal School Timings
Nursery : 8:40 a.m. to 11:40 a.m.
KG to Class V: 7:40 a.m. to 1:40 p.m.
Class VI to X: 7:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Class XI to XII: 7:00 a.m. to 12:20 p.m.
Change in timing if any will be intimated